Directed by Macu Moran, Imagery Affairs is an Art Consulting dedicated to the planning, direction and execution of Contemporary Art Projects framing them within some of the most active venues in the World, in collaboration with artists, critics, curators, collectors, agents and other professionals in the field.
For the past 15 years, our line of work has revolved around contemporary issues such as technology, gender, politics, & sciences, and more specifically on Time-based art, Posthumanism, Feminism, Decolonization, Biocentrism, and the spectrum of Consciousness.
This art consulting and broadcast services on-demand are specifically appropriate for institutions, collectors and artists, engaging the highest quality of criteria and execution, endeavors include the organization of specialized festivals, fairs, exhibitions, screenings, online platforms, workshops, lectures, essays, articles, publications, lectures and symposiums.
“An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way.
An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.”
Charles Bukowsky
January 16, 2023July 8, 2021October 1, 2020More PostsIMAGERY RESIDENCY
in Koh Phangan & Koh Samui, Gulf of Thailand
Vision Boards
Research on the different aspects of trading where a creative approach is needed within the new paradigm that contemporary society is entering into. This vision board gathers the latest theories of businesses management and marketing, as well as information about the upcoming sectors that will help to implement the necessary change that we need for a sustainable coexistence.
VideoArtWorld net-art project is responsible of creating and establishing the international market standards for the appropriate collection, preservation and divulgation of audiovisual art, in 2005. Its pioneering model promotes a clear, solid and extremely attractive market for this vital means of expression, focusing on enhancing in its value and historical significance within contemporary art.
Artistic Residency and Spiritual Retreat located in Thailand, which welcomes visitors from all over the world to its precious location and offers them a period of time to strengthen their connection with nature & enjoy optimal conditions for inspiration, reflexion & co-creation. Through trainings and methods that each resident chooses to join, the project tries to asses the increasing nature deficit disorder that so commonly affects nowadays to people living in highly technological societies.
In an effort to create alternative realities for the industry of thought, this international artist network is dedicated to the contemporary research on innovative artistic technologies and mediums, arranged under photography, audiovisual, technological and plastic practices. Network encourages creators to exercise their rights on authorship, using licenses that best suit each specific creation, medium and scope.
Educational program that appropriately integrates a number of methods towards the perceptive and imaginary development of the human being. Curriculum includes activities based upon cognitive development exercises, programmed to promote the sensorial thrive and facilitate the receptive and creative abilities of each individual. Following neuro-linguistic and artistic-metaphoric techniques, multiple intelligences are empowered and the abilities of relaxation, attention focusing and memory enhanced.
Therapy program towards the holistic evolution of the human being through the imaginary work and the awareness of its transforming power for individual and collective reality. The program integrates several techniques to enhance perception, sensory evolution and creativity, as well as for enhancing the relaxing, visualizing and remembering abilities, working on the possible blockages that hinder the natural creative flow of the human being and putting into practice innovative thought processes.
Life is Art
Macu Moran
Seriously committed to the evolution of humanity through sensitivity and innovation, artivist & curator Macu Morán has expanded her projects into a variety of specialized areas within the contemporary art field under the umbrella of iMAGERY SPECTRUM · Progressive Projects devoted to create and promote sustainable models for the cultural industries in the digital era, towards an appropriate thrive of humanity based on the study of its cultural production.
Working over a decade as Director of New Markets for artnet Worldwide Corporation in New York, her broad interest in Technology-based art, brought her to establish the pioneering VideoArtWorld organization, which created, set and promoted the international standards, commonly accepted worldwide today, for the appropriate valuing, disseminating, collecting and preserving of intangible artistic creations.
Since then, her research has related diverging issues such as globalization, economy, time, immateriality, ecology, politics, language, technology, innovation as well as cultural, gender and virtual identities, particularly interested in following the latest theories on feminism, socialism, decolonialism, posthumanism, spirituality, bioart & quantum physics.
Her philanthropic endeavor to create alternative realities as cultural curator started at DiVA Fairs New York and Paris, followed by several editions of Barcelona Art Contemporary Festival (BAC!) and VIVA Collections worldwide tour. She has presented exhibition programs and lectures in diverse international venues, such as MANIFESTA European Roaming Biennial, Art|Basel Fair, Centre Pompidou, Fundació Joan Miró, MoCA Seoul, Hara Tokyo, CCCB Barcelona, Wilfredo Lam Havana, MAC Lima, Casa Asia, ICP New York, Fundación Marcelino Botín, Cervantes Institute New York, Arts Santa Mónica Barcelona, Fundación Suñol, University of Cordoba, WHITE BOX New York, KINETICA London, etc.
Working under the premise that all material or inmaterial imagery created becomes life reality and affects it thereafter, coining trans-disciplinary research lines such as: cultural capitalism, biocentric politics, intangible heritage, co-creation appropriation, imperceivable reality & the organic code. As a media artist she has researched into different mediums, including writing, painting, hand processing color photography, super 8, 3D modeling, 2D animation, videoart, bioart, arduino robotics, outsider drawing, ceramics, metal & wood work.
Morán graduated in International Business at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, focusing her thesis on the Economic analysis of the art industry. Afterwards she continued her theoretical engagement with Art History bachelor's studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid as well as through her participation at the modules of Art Criticism from the Master on Art Journalism at the Complutense University of Madrid, the Fine art Appraisal and Cataloguing studies offered at the New York University, and the MA in Audiovisual Arts organized by the MACBA Museum and Universidad Ramón Llull of Barcelona.
In 2013 she made the full curriculum of the 3rd Ward Fine Art Academy of Bushwick, Brooklyn, moving to Hawaii afterwards where she started her studies on permaculture, ecology and sustainability. When she became a mother she focused on creativity effects in the development of consciousness, studying the intensive course of the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona on Art Therapy, the Cognitive, Sensorial, Motor and Psychomotor Development course offered at Sigma Formación, art education for children as well as various alternative imagery therapies towards a holistic human thrive. She currently lives in Koh Phangan, Thailand where she directs the program Imagery Residency · Art meets Science & Spirituality in an effort to keep intellectually supporting progressive projects from all over the world.
Further information can be found in Wikipedia.
for private collectors
- Collection curatorial line development
- Budget management, bartering, acquisitions and rentals
- Collection cataloging
- Appraisal advice & certifications
- Specific art/artist trend analysis
- Professional restoration, new media preservation and framing advice
- International tours for collections
- Localization of artworks on demand
- Sales management and mediation
- Corporate image & Cause marketing
- Import/export management, specialized packaging, shipping, storing and customs
for museums, institutions, galleries, press & public boards
- Organization of symposiums, conferences, courses and talks on contemporary art & transdisciplinary streams of thought
- Art exhibitions curation, theoretic research and philosophic substantiating.
- Access to worldwide field specialists
- Site-specific projects & commissions
- Art reviews and essays writing
- Digital Cataloging & Online promotion
- Public art commissions
- Technical services on demand
- Internationalization process services
- Cultural press & public relations
for artists
- Study of the artist profile, particular style and position in the market.
- Career management and counseling for established and emerging artists
- Curatorial reviews and essays writing
- Exhibition programming & rentals
- Technical production & post-production
- Portfolio website & App development
- International cultural press promotion
- Intellectual property rights advice
- Representing gallery search
- Sales management and mediation
artnet Worldwide Corporation, New York, USA
- New Markets Director: Macu Morán. Areas: LatinAmerica, Australia, Spain, Portugal, Greece & Lower East Side, Tribeca, Williamsburg, Red Hook (New York) & Wynwood (Miami).
- UI/UX Design: Exhibitions page international implementation.
- Writer: Collaborating with Walter Robinson's online Magazine.
- Online Auctions: Consulting for private collectors specific sales and acquisitions.
Art Basel, Switzerland
- Jun. 8. 2008. Talk: How contemporary art would be without video?. Organizer: Macu Moran. Moderator: Berta Sichel. Artists: Juliao Sarmento / Adrian Paci / Hans Op de Beeck / Hiraki Sawa. Art Unlimited.
- Jun. 9. 2009. Talk: Changes in representation in Art & Science. Organizer & Moderator: Macu Moran. Participants: Michael Doser, Deputy Director Physics Department of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva; and Don Foresta, Founder, Researcher and Coordinator of Multimedia Art Research Centres & Electronic Laboratories (MARCEL).
Largest Press Release broadcaster since 1954, London, UK
- 2009 - 2012: International Agent: Macu Morán. Service: Distribution of cultural press releases to the cultural journalists associated to each country National Press Association. 2010-2014
- 8th of July. 2011. 10pm. Works for Perú Audiovisual. Pre-selected by Macu Morán. Including: Gloria Arteaga / Patricia Bueno / Angie Bonino / Susana Perrotet
- 30th of March. 2012. 10pm. Presentation of Indomitable Women. Curated and Introduced by Macu Morán. Showing clips of the works by Judy Chicago, Ana de Alvear, Terry Berkowitz and Jenny Marketou.
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain
- Wednesday, 2nd of March, 2012. 12pm. Press Conference: I Festival Miradas de Mujer (FMM). Participating: Nieves Correa (Artist), Macu Morán (curator), Raquel Ponce (gallerist), Rocio de la Villa (President of the Women in Visual Arts Association, MAV) and Mareta Espinosa (Festival Director).
- Saturday, 14th of June, 2010. 7.30pm. Multimedia Concert: Balance. Produced by: Isaac Julien (Visual Artist) and Maria del Alvear (Composer).
Saturday, 7th of June, 2010. 7.30pm. Multimedia Concert: Beyond Us. Produced by: Ana de Alvear (Visual Artist) and Eduardo Polonio (Composer).
- 22nd of September to 23rd of October, 2008. Online promotion of the Cycle: Jack Smith. Kill time – See a movie. Directed by: Berta Sichel, curated by Bob Nicklas and coordinated by Julieta Roitman.
Contemporary Art Center, Paris, France
- Friday, 16th of December. 2010. 8pm. VIVA Collections on Tour. Presented by Macu Morán.
Francis Alÿs / Joost Bakker / Rui Calçada Bastos / Martha Colburn / Douwe Dijkstra / Nathalie Djurberg / Ana de Alvear / Anthony Goicolea / Sofia Hultén / Isaac Julien / Floris Kaayk / Simone Lecca / Wolfgang Lehmann / Joanneke Meester / Yusuke Sakamoto / Andrezza Valentin & Guilherme Marcondes
Centre de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona, Spain
- Dec. 2009: Show: Indomitable Women. Curator: Macu Morán. Artists: Maya Deren / Carolee Schneemann / Judy Chicago / Yoko Ono / Beryl Korot / VALIE EXPORT / Joan Jonas / Ana Bella Geiger / Colette / ORLAN / Marisa Gonzalez / Guerrilla Girls / Ximena Cuevas / Joan Logue / Suzanne Lacy / Lynn Hershman / Paloma Navares / Dara Birnbaum / Tracey Moffat / Coco Fusco / Terry Berkowitz / Amy Greenfield / Jenny Marketou / Angie Bonino / Maria Fernanda Cardoso / Mariko Mori / Martha Rosler / Ana de Alvear / Beth Moyses / Dora Garcia / Sigalit Landau / Ester Achaerandio / Grimanesa Amoros / Paula Anta / Carmen Arrabal / Gloria Arteaga / Cristina Artola / Lidia Benavides / Patricia Betancur / Roxanne Billamboz / Raquel Bravo / Johanna Bruckner /Patricia Bueno / Beatriz Caravaggio / Laura Celada / Marcela Cernadas / Izumi Chiaraluce / Maria Jose Chinchilla / Heroinas de la Cultura / Ana DeMatos / Begoña Egurbide / Carmen Espla / Mari Carmen Garcia Maheredo / Regina Jose Galindo / Chus Garcia-Fraile / Amparo Garrido / Nuria Gil / Anna Gimein / Heide Hatry / Olga Kisseleva / Hye Rim Lee / Jin Lee-Kyung / Glenda Leon / Francesca Llopis / Laila Lobo / Cristina Martin Lara / Sabine Massenet / Laura Mergoni / Macu Moran / Post Op / Funda Ozgunaydin / Teresa Puppo / Gabriela Larrañaga / Graciela Taquini / Enriqueta Rocher / Eva Rohweder / Alejandra Rotondi / Lorena Mendez / Ana Luisa Sanchez-Law / Eva Sanchez / Dafna Shalom / Jacklyn Soo / Evelin Stermitz / Rosalin Suero Castillo / Mariana Vassileva
- Oct. 2016: Online advertising: Pantalla CCCB, a month, an artist
Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
- Saturday & Sunday, November 13th & 14th, 2010. 2pm. VIVA Collections on Tour. Presented by Macu Moran. Participating Artists: Francis Alÿs / Darya von Berner / Mit Borrás / Manon Bovenkerk / Rui Calçada Bastos / ChunTeng Chu / Martha Colburn / Aldo Giannotti / Ana de Alvear / Isaac Julien / Florian Gwinner / Simone Hooijmans / Concha Jerez / Michael Koch / Wolfgang Lehmann / Juan Antonio Lleo / Sofia Hulten / Floris Kaayk
Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain
- Friday, 4th of December. 2009. 5pm. Vernissage: Indomitable Women Show, as the audiovisual section of the 9th Edition of BAC!Barcelona Art Contemporary Festival. Maya Deren / Dara Birnbaum / Carolee Schneemann / Judy Chicago / Yoko Ono / VALIE EXPORT / Joan Jonas / ORLAN / Guerrilla Girls / Beryl Korot / Suzanne Lacy / Tracey Moffat / Mariko Mori / Martha Rosler / Dora Garcia
National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea
- Saturday, 4th, 11th and 18th of September, 2010. VIVA Collections on Tour. Presented by Macu Morán
Ana de Alvear / Joost Bakker / Francis Alÿs / Sofia Hulten / Douwe Dijkstra / Anthony Goicolea / Patrick Tuttofuoco / Nathalie Djurberg / Wolfgang Lehmann / Mariko Mori / Rui Calçada Bastos / Floris Kaayk / Andrezza Valentin & Guilherme Marcondes / Aili Chen / Narineh Daneghyan / Simone Hooijmans / Simone Lecca
- Saturday, 25th of September, 2010. Restless (e)motion. Presented and Curated by Macu Morán
Bigas Luna / Fernando Baena / Chus García-Fraile / Amparo Sard / Francesca Llopis / Oscar Seco / Maria José Chinchilla / Maria Cañas / PSJM / Evaristo Benítez / Ana de Alvear / Enriqueta Rocher / Felipe Ortega / Cristina Martin Lara / Dionisio Gonzalez / Daniel Silvo / Carmen Espla
International Institution for Spanish Language
- Mar.07 – Institute Cervantes New York: Roundtable: “Globalization in art” – Organized and moderated by Gallerist Blanca Soto, participanting: Macu Moran (New Markets Director for artnet.com), Maria Baro (Baró Gallery), Jonathan Goodman (art critic), Laura Revuelta (cultural journalist for ABC) and Omar Lopez-Chaoud (art curator).
- Dec.09 – Institute Cervantes Madrid: Roundtable: ”The future of Videoart” - Organized and moderated by Iury Lech (Director of Madatac Festival) participating: Macu Moran, Maria Pialler (Director of TV program Metropolis RTVE ) and Carlos Trigueros (Hamaca).
Contemporary art node, New York, USA
- 22nd to 30th of March, 2008. Symposium and Screenings: In Focus VideoArt. Organized by Macu Morán.
Participating: Thyrza Goodeve / Roger Welch / Dara Birnbaum / Carolee Schneemann / Joan Logue / Macu Moran / Rafael Vostell / Alice Judelson / Lori Zippay / Harry Stendhal / Elga Wimmer / Blanca de la Torre / Amanda McDonald Crowley / Natalie Angles / James Wagner / Eric Shiner / Marco Antonini / Heide Hatry / Micaela Giovannotti / Raphaele Shirley / Michelle Handelman / Juan Puntes / Andrey Parshikov / Masha Sha / Alina Blumis / Don Porcella / Andrea Merkx / Jonathan T.D. Neil / Janet Biggs / Claire Olivier / Peter Duhon / Andres Laracuente / Robert Ayers / Lisa Dahl
Exhibiting: Dennis Oppenheim / Dara Birnbaum / Sigalit Landau / Regina Jose Galindo / Roger Welch / Marina Abramovic / Amparo Sard / Gary Hill / Ragnar Kjartansson / Wolf Vostell / Chris Moukarbel / Roberto Ago / Virginie Yassef / Ana Prvacki / Cecilia Bonilla / Pernille With Madsen / Lucia Uni / Young-Hae Chang / Joshua Callaghan / Wojciech Gilewicz / Moira Ricci / Marcella Vanzo / Hans Op de Beeck / Hiraki Sawa / Tommy Hartung / Maria Antelman / Stefano Cagol / Adrian Paci Minette Vári / Regina Jose Galindo / Heide Hatry / Carolee Schneemann / He Cheng Yao / Sonia Khurana
Cultural Center, Barcelona, Spain
- 2010: Collaboration in the BAC! Festival, acting as main venue and including the program "Japan Audiovisuals" curated by Menene Gras, artistic director of Casa Asia.
- 2012: Essay for the Casa Asia international publication "Digital narratives and image technologies", anthology of theoretical texts on video art from Spain and Asia. It is published as part of the project 'Crossing East-West Narratives by the End of Video Art', conceived by Casa Asia, organised by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, and exhibited at La Tabacalera, Madrid.
Art Center Matadero, Madrid
- 15.Feb.2012: Restless (e)motion: Curated by Macu Moran. Including works: Bigas Luna / Fernando Baena / Chus Garcia-Fraile / Amparo Sard / Francesca Llopis / Oscar Seco / Maria Jose Chinchilla / Maria Cañas / PSJM / Evaristo Benitez / Ana de Alvear / Enriqueta Rocher/ Felipe Ortega / Cristina Martín Lara / Dionisio Gonzalez / Daniel Silvo / Carmen Esplá
- 16.Feb.2012: COOLSTORIES: Screening on Environment preservation by Artports_MAKING WAVES.
- 18.Feb.2012: BE.BOP · Black Europe Body Politics: Screening on De-colonial Aesthetics: Curated by Alanna Lockward. Artists: Teresa Maria Diaz Nerio / Jeannette Ehlers / William Kentridge / IngridMwangiRobertHutter / Emeka Udemba
- 9.Mar.2012 – 24.Mar.2012: INDOMITABLE WOMEN. Curated by Macu Morán. Artits: Maya Deren / Carolee Schneeman / Judy Chicago: Atmospheres / Yoko Ono / Beryl Korot / VALIE EXPORT / Joan Jonas / Ana Bella Geiger / Colette / Orlan / Marisa González / Guerriila Girls / Ximena Cuevas / Joan Logue / Suzanne Lacy / Lynn Hershman / Paloma Navares / Dara Birnbaum / Tracey Moffat / Coco Fusco / Terry Berkovitz / Amy Greenfield / Angie Bonino / Maria Fernanda Cardoso / Mariko Mori / Martha Rosler / Beth Moyses / Dora García / Jenny Marketou / Ana de Alvear / Sigalit Landau / Ester Achaerandio / Grimanesa Amoros / Paula Anta / Carmen Arrabal / Gloria Arteaga / Cristina Artola / Lidia Benavides / Patricia Betancur / Roxanne Billamboz / Raquel Bravo / Johanna Bruckner / Patricia Bueno / Laura Celada / Marcela Cernadas / Izumi Chiaraluce / Maria Jose Chinchilla / Heroinas de la Cultura / Ana de Matos / Begoña Egurbide / Carmen Esplá / Mari Carmen García Maheredo / Regina Jose Galindo / Chus Garcia Fraile / Amparo Garrido / Nuria Gil / Anna Gimein / Heide Hatry / Olga Kisseleva / Hye Rim Lee / Jin Lee-Kyung / Glenda León / Francesca Llopis / Laila Lobo / Cristina Martin Lara / Sabine Massenet / Laura Mergoni / Macu Moran / Post Op / Funda Ozgunaydin / Teresa Puppo, Gabriela Larrañaga, Graciela Taquini / Enriqueta Rocher / Eva Rohweder /Alejandra Rotondi, Lorena Mendez / Ana Luisa Sanchez-Law / Eva Sanchez / Dafna Shalom / Jacklyn Soo / Evelyn Stermitz / Rosalin Suero Castillo / Mariana Vassileva
Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Berlin, Germany
- 4th of May to 6th of May, 2012. From 10am to 6pm. Transdisciplinary Roundtable and Screening: Black Europe Body Politics (Be.Bop). Directed by Macu Morán, Curated by Alanna Lockward and Advised by Walter Mignolo. Artists: Jose Manuel Barreto / Manuela Boatca / Artwell Cain / Teresa Maria Diaz Nerio / Gabriele Dietze / Simmi Dullay / Elvira Dyangani Osse / Jeannette Ehlers / Fatima El Tayeb / Heide Fehrenbach / Quinsy Gario / Ylva Habel / Ulrike Hamann / Nico Horn / Grada Kilomba / William Kentridge / Michael Küppers-Adebisi / Rozena Maart / Tracey Moffatt / IngridMwangiRobertHutter / David Olusoga / Minna Salami / Robbie Shilliam / Sumugan Sivanesan / Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung / Robert A. Stemmle † / Emeka Udemba / Rolando Vazquez
Contemporary Art Center, Barcelona, Spain
- Nov. 2010: Festival BAC! 09 Entering the 4th Dimension, selection "Stop (e)motion", curated by Adrian Encinas, "Musiclips" curated by Carmen Sanfrancisco and "Time for Beauty", "Time for a change" curated by Macu Morán including artists: Mar Caldas, Pascual Perez, Juan Pablo Zaramella, Marc Riba, Anna Solanas, Paul O'Brien, Thomas Klieber, Ethan Marak, Patrick Boivin, Harry Chaskin, Justin Rasch, Shel Rasch, Simon Cartwright, Jessica Ami Cope, Carlos Lascano, Beast Animation, Christopher Kezelos, Eduard Puertas, Irene Iborra, Dennis Miller, Scott Pagano, Marlena Novak, Jay Alan Yim, Rick Niebe, Pedro Veneroso, Xavier Roldan, Noah Klersfeld, Filipe Antonez, Laura Fernandez Gibellini, Marcin Wojciechowski, Katja Lozar, Judie Price, Joanna Hoffmann, Chiara Passa, Jonathan Franco, Deria Rectificadora, Daniel Hoflund, Beatriz Albuquerque, Damian A. Pissarra, Benna, Flounder Lee, Buli Siberstein, Heide Hatry, Avelino Sala, Elia Alba, Verena Grimm, Elsie Shen Yi, Andreas Templin, Rajorshi Ghosh, Andres Weberg, Gustavo Marrone, PSMJ, Arfus Greenwood, Vj Electroiman, Begoña Egurbide, Jul & Mat, Marta Puig Paltor, Jaime Fidalgo, Jon Gomez, Romain Gravas, Chema Garcia Ibarra, Keith Schofield, Memo Calaca, Mariano Acha, Daihei Shibata, Alasdair Brotherston & JackMooney, Alex Guimera, Romain Chasaing, Ravin Goldschmidt, Joaquin Jara, Bubi Canal, Cristina Fontsare, Luna Tristan, Maika Amuedo, Onofre Bachiller, Miss Alessia, Sebastian Sabal-Bruce, Zak Andrea, Markus Rico, Veterraga, Francisca Brunet Bayon, David Kidman, Francesca FIni, Gonzalo Cueto Vera, Mitad mas uno collective, Carmen Espla, Ivan Franscuski, Javier Marisco, Begoña Garcia Garcia, Vygandas Simbelis, Ivan Franscuski, Tobias Rosenberger, Soliman Lopez Cortez, Seoungho Cho, Montse Villanueva, Mauro Brando
Cultural Foundation, Santander, Spain
- Ago. 2008: Show Hip & Cool of the Piknic Festival, curated by Macu Moran and including artists: Markus Kreiss, Alette Simon, Mariana Vassileva, Pixel in Fact, Heinz Schmöller, Maria Cristina Carbonell, Alex McQuilkin, Cleverson, Ana de Alvear, Julia Oschatz, Laura Celada, Jose Luis Serzo and Carmen Espla.
Cultural Center, Seoul, South Korea
- Nov. 2010: Talk: Urban Cultures. Dialogue of Videoart, with curator Macu Morán, the video artist Kim Gue-Joong and the President of Asia Art Award Forum Suh Jinsuk.
Cultural foundation, Barcelona, Spain
- Nov. 2010 : Festival BAC! 09 Entering the 4th Dimension, selections "Time Reflection" curated by Macu Morán and "Art Animation" curated by Damian Perea (Director Festival Animayo), with artists: Antonia Cruz, Rosario Arteaga, Celeste Fichter, Angela Martinez Gonzalez Anavia, Janyoung Yoon, Fatima Trocornal, Anna M & Monstruo de Bolsillo, Fina Olivart, Ire Cortés, Trini Prada, Joana Areal, Carlos Conceicao, Gabi Gusmao, Sandra Alvaro, Giovanni Long, Yapci Ramos Ramos, George Drivas, Carlos Villar, Siro, Luis Amavisca, Rui Manuel Vieira, Angela Steffen, Rafael Sommerhalder, Seong Jun Lee, Christina Heeck, Kerstin Laudascher, Maurice Hubner, Dina Noto, Paul Bourgois, Jons Mellgren, Jean-Patrice Blanc, Andres Salaff, Martin Earle, Lottie White, Pierre Emmanuel Lyet, Sarah Wickens, Fursy Teyssier.
Digital & Video Art Fair
- 2008: New York edition: Organization of the Symposium In Focus VideoArt, with 5 exhibitions and 11 Roundtables including international experts on the topics of: archiving, collecting, curating, preserving, exhibiting, producing and selling videoart.
- 2008: Paris edition: Videoart Fair in Paris, curated by Macu Moran for Digital and Video Art DiVA Fair, directed by Thierry Alet with a Tribute to Wolf Vostell, and a talk with Rafael Vostell, Alanna Lockward and the the insights of Rene Block. Presenting the works of Olga Kisseleva, Danielle Valet, Kleiner, Mikhail Pavin, Anton Bubnovsky, H+T Stegmayer, Christa Brunner, Ursula Groser, Franz Wassermann, Grimanesa Amoros, Andres Michelena, Nela Ochoa, Jose Cosme, Paloma Navares, Cristina Martin Lara, Elena Rendeiro, Luis Amavisca, Alberto Borea, M. Angeles Diaz Barbado, LiminalB, Sebastien Caillat, Shalvak, Sebastian Mehal, Reynold Reynolds, Reiner Riedler, Nataliya Lyakh, Larsen, Lydia Palais, Valerie Hird, Margeaux Walter, Carlos Garaicoa, Glenda Leon, Katarina Zdjelar, Alexsandre Komarov, Judy van Luyk, Judi Werthein, Helen Majera, Sabrina Montiel-Soto, Frederique Charbonneau, Lukas Machalicky
Barcelona Art Contemporary Festival, Spain
- 2009 BAC! 10th Edition · Pandora’s Box – Macu Morán curates the audiovisual selection INDOMITABLE WOMEN, including 82 artists and 7 decades of artworks.
- 2010 BAC! 11th Edition · Time – Entering the 4th Dimension – Chief curator: Macu Moran acts as Chief Curator, along with the curations: Timeless Internacional, Curated by Ana de Alvear; Japan Timeless, Curated by Menene Gras; Art Animation, Curated by Damian Perea; Stop e.motion, Curated by Adrian Encinas; Micro-short-art-films, Curated by Javier Muñiz; Experimental Textures, Curated by Gye-Joong Kim; Musiclip, Curated by Carmen Sanfrancisco; Moving performances, Curated by Emma Pills and Juanjo Fernandez; and the selections: Time for technology, Time for beauty, Time for change and Time for reflection, Curated by chief curator, Macu Moran.
- 2011 BAC! 12th Edition · Guerrilla Art – Macu Moran curates the audiovisual selection THE ART OF FIGHTING including works by Cesar Ordoñez, Fran Blanes, El gato con moscas, Damian Pissarra, Angie Bonino, Tomas Ochoa, Ana de Alvear and Ivan Correa.
European Roaming Biennial of Contemporary Art. Murcia. Spain.
- Exhibition: Capturing North-African Sunbeams. Curated by Macu Morán. Participating Artists: Zoulikha Bouabdellah, Frederick Devaux, Mounir Fatmi, Katia Kameli, Omar Mahfoudi and Zineb Sedira.
- 8th of October to 14th of November. 2010. 10.30am to 8.30pm. Muralla Bizantina, Cartagena.
- 18th of November to 30th of November. 2010. 10am to 9pm. Centro Parraga, Room 5, Murcia.
- 2nd of December 2010 to 9th of January 2011. 10am to 9pm. Fundacion Pedro Cano, Blanca
Contemporary Art Fair, Basel, Switzerland
- June 2009: Talk "What Makes a Piece of Art a Masterpiece: Authorship and Derivatives in Art" presented by Macu Moran in dialogue with art critic Anthony Hayden-Guest and Don Foresta, Director of Multimedia Art Research and Electronic Laboratoires.
Festival Paris, France; Madrid, Spain; Berlin, Germany
- April 2010. Dissertation “Collecting Moving Images”, Delivered by Macu Morán at the Sala Alcala 31, Comunidad de Madrid.
Video Art Biennial, Barcelona, Spain
- 1st Edition (Berlin, 2008 and Barcelona, 2009): VIDEOARTWORLD SELECTION, curated and live presented by Juan Ramón Barbancho: Masbedo (Italy), Ohad Milstein (Israel), Regina José Galindo (Guatemala), Carmen Arrabal(France), Fátima Torconal (Spain), Sigalit Landau (Israel), Alex Francés (Spain), Miguel Soler (Spain), Eduardo Sourrouille (Spain), Nicolás Dumit Estévez (Dominican Republic), Felipe Ortega-Regalado (Spain), Carmen F Sigler(Spain), Mónica Ferreras (Dominican)
- 2nd Edition (Barcelona, 2011 and Berlin, 2012): VIDEOARTWORLD SELECTION, curated and live presented by Juan Ramón Barbancho: Monographic session of Artist Felipe-Ortega Regalado.
- 3rd Edition (Barcelona and Berlin, 2013 and Paris 2014): VIDEOARTWORLD SELECTION, curated and live presented by Macu Morán : NATURALIA · Soldiers of life : Agnis Zotis (Greece) / Albert Merino (Spain) / Cesar Ordoñez (Spain) / Carlos Villar (Spain) / Paula Anta (Spain) / Cristina Pavesi (Italy) / Evgenia Men (Australia) / Daniel Silvo(Spain) / Mikhail Basov (Russia) / Christine Sciulli (Italy) / Juan Carlos Sánchez Duque (Spain) / Raiber González (Cuba)
Making Waves Collective
- 16. Feb. 2012: Cineteca Matadero, Presentation of audiovisual artworks developed by 19 international artists, exhibiting their compromise with the preservation of our environment, selected by the jury from the international contest developed annually by Artports_MAKING WAVES on the subject. The Jury of this selection included: Mahen Bonetti, Founder & Director, African Film Festival, Inc., New York; Kathleen Bühler, Curator Contemporary Art, Kunstmuseum Bern, Switzerland; Fredi Casco, artist/editor/curator, Adviser Visual Arts Cultural Ministry Paraguay. Asunción; Isa Cucinotta, Programming Associate at Film Society of Lincoln Center, New York; Javier Duero, Art Critic and Curator, Madrid, Spain; Alicia Marvan, Program Director, Guapamacátaro Arts & Ecology Residency, Mexico; Macu Moran, Director of Imagery Spectrum, Madrid, Spain; Lyle Rexer, Curator and Critic, New York; Sabine Maria Schmidt, Curator Folkwang Museum, Essen, Germany. Artist selected: Anna Beata Baranska / artalquadrat (Gema and Monica del Rey)/ Andrea Bianconi / Oscar Boyson / Annie Briard / Baptist Coelho / Sergio Cruz / Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez / Guillermo Hermosilla Cruzat / IngridMwangiRobertHutter / Richard Jochum / Wojtek Klakla & Pierre-Alain Morel / Lemeh42 / Eva Marosy-Weide / Lukas Matejka / Tricia McLaughlin / Sergio Sotomayor / Emma Wieslander / Sharon Zhuxiaoyuan
Co-working Cultural Center, Madrid, Spain
- 2010: Show: In the Mood for Today, curated by Macu Morán in an attempt to bring to relate each week day with their idea in the collective imagery history. Including works by Cristina Martin Lara, Sabine Gross, Tobias Bernstrup, Cristina Artola, Heinz Schmuller, Avelino Sala, Oscar Seco, Beatriz Caravaggio, Dionisio Gonzalez, Jenny Marketou, Gianfranco Foschino, Felipe Ortega Regalado, Sharam Entekhabi, Angie Bonino, Robyn Voshardt, Sven Humphrey, Marisa Mancilla, Maria Cañas, Macu Morán, Ana de Alvear, Maria Jose Chinchilla, Marcela Cernadas, Glenda Leon, Francesca Llopis, Joost Bakker, Fernando Baena, Veit Kowald, Benedikt Gahl, Laura Celada, Solomon Nagler, Javier Roz, Chus Garcia Fraile, Mariana Vassileva, Anna Gimein, Dafna Shalom, Grimanesa Amoros, Evaristo Benitez
Junta de Andalucía, Spain
- 2009: With the support of INICIARTE the show "In the mood of Today" could be exhibited synchronized in public outdoor screenings in Madrid and New York. Curated by Macu Morán, the show reflects on the mood that week days have dropped on the collective consciousness, in an attempt to characterize the identity and specific personality of each day. Each day of the week projected a different selection of videoartworks, inviting the viewers to come back every day to glimpse concepts related to the divinities of the stars ruling each day of the week in most western cultures: MONDAY · Moon · Night · Femininity · Virginity · Fertility · Hunting · Wildness // TUESDAY · Mars · Fire · War · Army · Weapon · Fecundity // WEDNESDAY · Mercury · Water · Travel · Cultures · Abundance · Goods · Commerce · Volatility // THURSDAY · Jupiter · Wood · Justice · Wisdom · Cosmos · Order · Happiness // FRIDAY · Venus · Metal · Peace · Relaxation · Love · Beauty · Emotions · Dreams // SATURDAY · Saturn · Earth · Agriculture · Time · Chaos · Abstraction · Uncertainty // SUNDAY · Sun · Sky · Light · Truth · Herds · Healing · Muses · Music · Poetry · Art
Spanish Department for International Affairs, Madrid, Spain
Show: Diverging Gazes. Curator: Juan Ramón Barbancho. Funds Assistant: Macu Morán. Location: Dean Project. Long Island City, NY. Jun. 2009
International Cultural Foundation
- 2011 - 2012: Allianz Cultural Foundation supported the project BE.BOP · Black Europe Body Politics, which included an international tour of conferences and screenings and a transdisciplinary symposium on Decolonial Aesthetic. Directed by Macu Morán and Curated by Alanna Lockward with the advice of Walter Mignolo. The international tour of conferences and screenings visited during 2011 and 2012: Kwa-Zulu Natal Society of Arts, Durban, South Africa; The Bioscope Independent Cinema, Johannesburg, South Africa, National Art Gallery of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia; 11th Bienal de La Habana, Havana, Cuba; Goldsmiths University, London, UK; Documenta 13, Kassel, Germany and Cineteca Matadero of Madrid, Spain. The transdisciplinary symposium was developed at the Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Berlin, Germany from the 4th of May to 6th of May, 2012, and included the following artists and speakers: Manuel Barreto / Manuela Boatca / Artwell Cain / Teresa Maria Diaz Nerio / Gabriele Dietze / Simmi Dullay / Elvira Dyangani Osse / Jeannette Ehlers / Fatima El Tayeb / Heide Fehrenbach / Quinsy Gario / Ylva Habel / Ulrike Hamann /Nico Horn / Grada Kilomba / William Kentridge / Michael Küppers-Adebisi / Rozena Maart / Tracey Moffatt /IngridMwangiRobertHutter / David Olusoga / Minna Salami / Robbie Shilliam / Sumugan Sivanesan / Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung / Robert A. Stemmle † / Emeka Udemba / Rolando Vazquez
Institut Catala de les Empreses Culturals
- 2007 - 2011: Through their Institut Catalá de Empreses Culturals, Generalitat de Catalunya has supported many of our international affairs, through their detailed program of sponsoring the internationalization process of the cultural industries from Catalunya.
Cultural Industries department, Spain
- 2005 - 2012: Through their programs towards the development of the Spanish Cultural Industries, towards the development of the Fine Art Industries and towards the Cinema and Audiovisual Arts Industries, the department of Culture of the Government of Spain has allowed the production of different programs that, due to their non-for-profit profile, would not have been possible otherwise.
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